Home Digital Commerce & Experience Blog How GenAI Can Help Fix Your Product Descriptions Woes

How GenAI Can Help Fix Your Product Descriptions Woes

Imagine you walk into a  retail store expecting,  a seamless experience ,where you can easily find what you are looking for.

Now, what if the labels on products are either missing, vague/misleading. You’re looking for a specific item, but the descriptions on the shelves tell you little about what’s inside the box.

You can’t tell if the shirt is made of cotton or polyester, whether the sneakers are water-resistant or not, or if the phone case fits your specific model.

Frustrating, right? . . .

This scenario mirrors the online shopping experience when ecommerce businesses fail to manage their product descriptions effectively.

Customers are left guessing, unable to make informed decisions, and naturally the trust they place in your brand starts to wane.

Just as clear and accurate signage is crucial in a physical store, a well-defined product information management strategy is essential in the digital realm.

For ecommerce businesses, the absence of this clarity isn’t just frustrating—it’s a direct threat to sales, customer satisfaction, and brand reputation.


Some Data points highlighting the Product Description Woes:

  • A study by Shotfarm found that 30% of consumers have returned an online purchase due to the product not matching the description.
  • This indicates that inaccurate or misleading product descriptions directly affect customer satisfaction and increase return rates.

  • Poor product descriptions can lead to a 50% reduction in conversion rates, as highlighted by a report from InRiver. When customers can’t find the information they need, they are less likely to make a purchase.
  • ConfusedEven if you have some of the best collection and brands( if you are a multi-brand marketplace) , if the product descriptions aren’t effective enough, you still loose at the Customer Experience (CX) front.

    It’s not just about having the right products; it’s about ensuring customers can easily find, understand, and feel confident in what they’re purchasing.

    And that’s where generative AI (Gen AI) steps in, transforming how ecommerce businesses manage product information.

    But how? This is the whole crux of this blog.

    Are you too Facing these Ecommerce Product Description Woes?

    Before discussing about Gen AI’s scope in enhancing the product description, I feel that we should talk about various product description woes that our existing and potential customers have constantly raised.

    1. Inconsistency : Inconsistent product descriptions across different platforms and channels can confuse customers and erode trust.

      Inconsistent product information can lead to confusion and mistrust, causing potential customers to abandon their purchases.

      According to a report by Salsify, 87% of shoppers say that accurate, rich, and complete product content is very important to their purchasing decisions.

    2. Time-Consumption : Creating detailed and engaging product descriptions for a large catalog is time-consuming , cumbersome, and resource-intensive.
    3. SEO Optimization: Poorly optimized content fails to attract search engine traffic, limiting visibility and potential sales.

      Ecommerce businesses that optimize product descriptions for SEO can see up to a 30% increase in organic traffic, according to a study by Conductor.

      This shows how an SEO-optimisation is critical for your ecommerce sales.

    4. Language Barriers: Reaching a global audience requires translating product descriptions into multiple languages, which can be costly and error-prone.

      According to by Common Sense Advisory 75% of consumers prefer to buy products in their native language.
      And inaccurate or poor-quality translations can alienate potential customers, leading to lost sales in international markets.

    5. Maintaining Accuracy : Keeping product information up-to-date with the latest features, specifications, and availability is challenging, especially with high volumes of SKUS, and large inventory.
    6. Personalization : Generic product descriptions fail to cater to the specific needs and preferences of individual customers.

    So, How can Gen AI Can Help Address These Issues

    Gen AI emerges as an ally for ecommerce industry with  its ability to create seamless, cutomised and relevant product description closely aligned to the business requirements.

    Gen AI can swiftly generate product descriptions, titles, and bullet points, freeing up human resources for more strategic tasks while offering following value-adds:

    1. Consistent Brand Voice: By adhering to predefined style & brand , Gen AI ensures that all product descriptions align with the brand’s voice and tone.
    2. SEO Optimization: Gen AI tools can integrate SEO best practices into product descriptions, improving visibility and driving more organic traffic to ecommerce sites.
    3. Localization: Advanced Gen AI models can provide high-quality translations and cultural adaptations of product descriptions, making products accessible to a global audience.
    4. Real-Time Updates: Gen AI can be integrated with product information management (PIM) systems to provide real-time updates to product descriptions as new information becomes available.
    5. Personalized Descriptions: Gen AI can use customer data and preferences to create customized descriptions, enhancing relevance and appeal.

    Thus with the help of Gen AI, ecommerce businesses can significantly improve the efficiency and quality of their product information management, leading to a better customer experience and higher sales.

    Here at Embitel, our solution experts have created a custom tool using advanced algorithms which can ease your task of generating accurate , clean and crisp product descriptions customised to your business requirements.

    We will cover  the automated GEN AI based product description solution in detail in part 2 of this blog.
    Keen to know more about the solution? Drop an mail (slaes@embitel.com) & schedule a quick demo with our experts.

    This entry was posted in Digital Commerce & Experience Blog, Blog by Embitel. Bookmark the permalink

    Sep 09 2024
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